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Pedragosa ens likes to innovate. Hem tret al mercat a 100% gall dindi leg. Treballant colze amb colze amb the department of quality, we advise a molt bó product. I thought it might be an abans and a neglect of the typical pernil entrepà.

Aixó has sigut fruit by molts studios. I of the trajectory that you explained below:

L’any 2011 vam treure al mercat the first llonganissa 100% gall dindi al mercat nacional. The introduction is going to be slow, not in hem d’enganyar, but let’s see that little by little every month, there was more demand to be a new product. People were used to the llonganissa de porc. The curiosity to connect the taste of the product will help. The large chains will begin to offer curated products of gall dindi similars, but to reduce costs with barreges of meat of all types such as cockstre, d’ànec or porc.

During these last years hem expanded the range of gall dindi products, such as fuet, xoriç or llonganissa ‘axoriçada’, all 100% gall dindi. I continue to investigate the market and analyze the habitats of the people, in 2017 we will detect that the leg of gall dindi was missing. The quality department of our instal·lacions is going to begin to work-hi fins to obtain the optimum and quality point that we demand from all of our productes.

I així arrived at that 2018 on a Pedragosa hem pogut fer the llançament d’aquest produce low in greix and with the ideal protein for totes those people who follow a diet, people with cholesterol or sports and infants: El nostre PERNIL 100% GALL DINDI .